BACMan Screenshots

Screenshots of a number of the BACMan forms are available below. These include:

Startup Form

This is the form that will open when BACMan is first started. This provides links to all of the major subforms. The image shown is for the Sorghum Genome Mapping database that is used at the University of Georgia Plant Genome Mapping Lab.

Experiment Overview

An 'experiment' in BACMan refers to a set of single probes that were applied on one day or the full set of data in a multiplexed experiment.

Multiplex Experiment Design

A general interface is provided for multiplex experimental design must first be defined. This may be used to design any number of pooled probe multiplex experimental designs.

Once  a general multiplex experimental design has been defined, this design may be used in the experiment builder interface to build individual experiments which use this design.

Film Data Entry

The autoradiograph data form. The use of this full suite of packages is described in the BACMan User Manual.

Multiplex Experiment Deconvolution

Deconvolution of multiplex experiments simply requires the identification of the library and films that the users wants to deconvolute.

The deconvoluted data can then be viewed in an overview form to see the results of the experiment.

Error Checking Interface

Error checking templates may be printed which can be compared to the original films. The symbols that are drawn are fully customizable.

The error checking sheets that are printed are similar to the example shown below

Author: James Estill
Last Updated: Friday, 10 June 2005 Logo